Neo & Styx

Neo and Styx are THE cutest little coquettes in the kitten world! These two darling girls are double the charm and double the delight. 🎀

Styx is the adventurous belle of the ball. She’s pawsitively fearless, always ready to explore new corners and find new escapades. Recently, she’s been showing her softer side, turning into quite the cuddle bug by grooming herself right next to you or even on you, then falling asleep with the sweetest purr. Her favourite pastime? This princess knows exactly what’s trendy and it’s obviously chasing a jingly ball like a cheetah! It’s only the most fashionable thing to do. đŸ’…đŸ»

Neo is a more cautious cutie. She likes to watch her sister make the first move before she elegantly follows. Always curious about what you’re doing, Neo has a shy side that makes her even more endearing. Give her a moment, and she’ll come over to play or curl up next to you for some cozy company while you work. Neo adores her fish teddy and loves a good, stylish wrestle with it. 🐠
Even though they have their own favourite toys, they both agree that the rainbow ribbon on a rod is one of the best playtime activities.

Both sisters are sunbeam seekers and love finding the warmest spots on the couch. They’re not fond of the vacuum or hair dryers—those are so not part of their chic routine.
And when it comes to treats, they are all about that gourmet chicken and duck! When they’re not napping or munching, they’re busy playing with each other. Neo loves to sneak up and pounce on Styx, while Styx prefers to charge at Neo sideways with her back arched, ready for a playful tussle.

These inseparable furriends are anxious when apart for more than a minute, always seeking each other’s company. They’ve been absolutely charming with everyone they’ve met, making them the perfect additions to any home. ♄

I mean, what’s better than one coquette kitty? That’s right, TWO coquette kitties!

The Purr-fect Forever Home :
Child-friendly (Older kids)
Indoor Only