
If your life needs some seasoning, try a little bit of Pepper! This lovely kitty will be the perfect addition to the right home. Pepper is a true homebody and doesn’t like to be outside. She much prefers to be indoors, perhaps because it’s where she gets her favourite food – chicken!

Pepper loves to spend her days in her foster home playing with toys, like the fishing rod and laser pointer, and getting attention from humans. Pepper is very affectionate and just loves to get cuddles, especially in the mornings; she will meow away at you until she gets her pets! While she loves humans, little Pepper can get a bit scared when they stand over her; she hates feeling small below the giant humans! She’s also a bit scared of sudden movements and is definitely not a fan of the hoover!

Pepper does not have much experience with other cats but could get along well with a resident kitty who is easy going and likes to play. She would be best suited to homes without large animals like dogs, or any children. Do you think Pepper could be just what you need in your home?

The Purr-fect Forever Home :

Indoor only

Child free home